Civil Engineering Consultants in Melbourne

Stormwater Drainage Systems
We can assist with stormwater drainage systems tailored to site and council requirements, including gravity drainage and pump systems. To learn more about stormwater drainage systems, get in touch with our expert stormwater engineer in Melbourne today.
On-Site Detention (OSD) & On-Site Retention (OSR)
We can help with On-Site Retention (OSR) and On-Site Detention (OSD) systems with control rate of runoff where required.
Driveway Grading to AS 2890.1
Our team can conduct an analysis based on site plans to ensure vehicular access to garages on steep sites.
Project Management
We consult with councils to ensure that the design meets local government requirements.
Site Inspections & Certifications
Our team of civil engineering consultants in Melbourne can come to your site to inspect existing drainage designs, and if necessary, certify that the design complies with the relevant codes.

Our drainage engineer in Melbourne has the necessary skills and is fully equipped with the latest resources and technology tools to develop and implement civil design solutions according to the type of client’s project and their budget while complying with the Australian Standards.
Whether you’re starting a new project, in the developmental stages of an approved project or require assistance with existing structures, EMS Engineering Consultancy can offer you the expertise your project demands.
Our Services
- Residential, commercial and industrial storm water drainage design
- On-Site Detention system
- Storm water pump system
- Multi-cell system
- Connection to Melbourne Water waterways
- Soakage pit
- Rainwater tank storage
- Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
- Outfall drainage
- Road design